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How To Choose The Right Orthopedic Surgeon

How To Choose The Right Orthopedic Surgeon

You have a bone, joint, or muscle problem. You tried home remedies, but those didn’t relieve the pain or resolve the issue. You then met with a Orthopedic Surgeon who provided a diagnosis and recommended conservative and non-invasive treatments. Unfortunately, those too failed to fix your condition. Finally, after these disappointing efforts, your doctor tells you that surgery is the only remaining option to treat your issue effectively.

Given how much is riding on a successful outcome for your procedure, you want to make sure that the orthopedic surgeon you choose has the training, experience, skill, and reputation for excellence that distinguishes them from the thousands of other orthopedists out there. With so many orthopedic surgeons to pick from, how are you supposed to know which one to choose for your operation?

Here are some things to consider when looking for a South Florida orthopedic surgeon:

Referrals From Other Patients

All surgeons will be happy to tell you how wonderful they are, but it’s what that surgeon’s patients say that really matters. Start by speaking with people who have had personal experience with orthopedic surgery. Ask your family physician or primary care doctor for their recommendations, and talk with any friends or colleagues who have received treatment for muscle, joint, or bone issues and were satisfied with their surgeon, treatment, and results. Once you get some referrals, do some online research and see what other patients say about the recommended surgeon.

Education and Training

Your orthopedic surgeon needs to have exceptional and specialized knowledge, training, skills, training, and experience. When researching surgeons, look where they went to medical school and did their residency and whether they are Board Certified in Orthopaedic Surgery and by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery.

Also, medical knowledge is continually growing, and new approaches and techniques – such as minimally invasive surgery or PRP therapy – can dramatically improve treatments and outcomes. It is essential that your surgeon not just rest on their medical school laurels and that they constantly stay abreast of these developments through ongoing professional education and training.

Leaders in Their Field

The best orthopedic surgeons have the respect and attention of their colleagues. Look for a surgeon who is active in their profession, who frequently writes and lectures on orthopedic topics, and who has been influential in developing and applying the latest technology and methodologies.

How Does It Feel?

The doctor-patient relationship is a very personal one. Patients come to their doctor vulnerable, uncertain, and in need of help. It is critical that patients not only feel comfortable and confident that their surgeon is competent and technically skilled, but that they also have empathy, genuine concern for their well-being, and a pleasant “bedside manner.”

Schedule an Appointment at OrthoMiami Today.

At OrthoMiami, we are committed to using the most advanced and effective methods to relieve pain, repair joints, and restore mobility to our patients. When surgery is needed, our skilled and experienced surgeons use the utmost care and precision to produce optimal results with minimal downtime.

The OrthoMiami team always welcomes new patients and can generally schedule new patient appointments within a couple of days. Please contact us today at (305) 596-2828 to schedule your appointment. We look forward to meeting you.

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